ARIES HOROSCOPE TODAY: You expect them to be fair to you
Today’s stars urge you to be fair to others, just as you expect them to be fair to you. Everyone has a reason for their actions and, if you understand this, you will be well on the way to resolving any remaining tensions whether at home or at work.
TAURUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: It’s not a bad time at all
Money will intrude on most areas of your life, and it’s not a bad time at all for indulging in a spot of extravagance. However, you have a chance to radically re-arrange your home and family affairs, even if only in a small but deeply satisfying way.
GEMINI HOROSCOPE TODAY: best to talk about your feelings
You have to remember that it is always best to talk about your feelings, difficult as this may be. It’s no use covering your emotions with your thoughts, as so many of you do so much of the time. Sometimes, the only thing that will do is raw passion and honesty.
CANCER HOROSCOPE TODAY: get on with the job
There’ll almost certainly be a great deal to do behind the scenes. Some of you will be involved in charitable activities, while for others it will simply be a matter of having to get on with the job as quickly and quietly as possible. Decide which side you’re on and then go for it!
LEO HOROSCOPE TODAY: The future is wide open
Mars’ combination with the Moon could give you a massive shot of energy later on. It’s therefore difficult to make plans in advance, because you might not know what you want to do until you’re doing it! Still, it can be nice to feel that the future is wide open.
VIRGO HOROSCOPE TODAY: Your desires should be met
You may make a real song and dance if you’re not getting what you want. This is one of those times in your life when your desires should be met, and surrounding individuals should give in to you for a change! At least that’s the theory. The problem is that other people are just so unpredictable.
LIBRA HOROSCOPE TODAY: possibility of fruitful discussions
It’s a day of rapid changes, from the possibility of fruitful discussions and interesting news around mid-morning, through emotional tension midday, to practical work early afternoon, and a possible burst of mystery or excitement late in the evening. Enjoy!
SCORPIO HOROSCOPE TODAY: Make your plans around noon
There is no question that this is the most important moment to concentrate on business matters. If, by any chance, you can bring increased excitement to a flagging relationship, make your plans around noon. And then all you have to do is make sure the cash situation is on your side.
SAGITTARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: They were reading your mind
The Moon’s emotional movements may confront you with the consequences of your actions. Some people may return from your past, while others will mysteriously appear as if they were reading your mind. Be open to whatever happens, and bear in mind that even the most trivial activities might have a purpose.
CAPRICORN HOROSCOPE TODAY: You have taken on too much
You could be busier than usual, perhaps because, typically, you have taken on too much. Even if you have double-booked yourself or made completely contradictory commitments, you should be able to pull through. You might even discover something valuable about yourself along the way.
AQUARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: You have to be a great artist
It’s time for a little creativity. This doesn’t mean that you have to be a great artist, but that whatever you do should be based on your own personal skills, talents and interests, rather than tagging along with friends and partners. But it’s OK to let them do their thing, while you do yours.
PISCES HOROSCOPE TODAY: You have a simple choice
Mars’ alignment with the very base of your chart indicates a degree of friction, and you have a simple choice: to stay where you are or to move on. Putting your decision into action, of course, is a different matter! Perhaps that’s why you need to come clean and seek the best advice.