A talented actor, director, and mother, Konkona Sensharma dons many hats. She has carved a unique path in the Indian entertainment industry with her versatile acting skills, earning widespread acclaim and awards for films like Wake Up Sid (2009), Lipstick Under My Burkha (2016), and her latest project Killer Soup (2024). Beyond her acting prowess, Konkona has also ventured into directing, helming the thought-provoking drama — A Death in the Gunj (2016).
Her ability to balance her professional pursuits with her role as a mother serves as an inspiration to women striving to excel in both their careers and personal lives. With her trademark candor and wisdom, in an exclusive interview with indianexpress.com, she shares insights on parenting, fitness, fashion, and the pursuit of mental well-being. Read the edited excerpts below:
How do you manage to balance professional commitments with your responsibilities as a parent?
Konkona Sensharma: I don’t (jokes). I mean, you know, it’s a struggle to find that balance every day because, in our line of work, no two days are the same. It’s not like I have an office job, so I can make a schedule for the year. So, I have to figure out how each day or at least each week is going to be. But when you have your values and priorities clear, you can focus on the main things. Beyond that, you have to turn a blind eye because you can’t do everything.
I find it inspirational that so many women, including the housekeepers who come to my home, all have children, and they’re working. Very few women can be stay-at-home moms or have chosen to be one. Some women don’t have that choice and have to work. I’m inspired by that, and I’ve also seen it growing up because I’ve had a working mother myself.
What was it like having a working mother? Do you see similarities between you and her?
Konkona Sensharma: I remember my mom used to always take me with her everywhere to her place of work. As a young child, it was interesting to see your mother so empowered, occupying different roles. She was the editor of a women’s magazine, and directing, writing, and acting in films. There were production meetings at home, and sometimes she would study with me, though not on a regular basis. I was lucky to have a mother who could understand my individual needs.
What does your fitness routine look like? How do you keep yourself fit?
Konkona Sensharma: For the longest time, until I was about 30, I did nothing. There wasn’t much awareness either, and you have youth on your side, where you can indulge a little without significant effects. I had my son in my early 30s, and after that, I really got into yoga in a big way. I’ve been doing yoga for 10-12 years now.
Post that, in my 40s, I’ve started strength training, and that has really changed me mentally and physically in a wonderful way. If I’m able to do both yoga and strength training, which is tricky to manage every week, it has really helped me. It’s not about losing weight; it’s about keeping your muscles strong, good for your brain, mobility, agility, and balance. But if people are interested in weight loss, that’s really 80-85% diet.
In terms of diet, is there anything specific you swear by for maintaining your energy and health?
Konkona Sensharma: I don’t think I’ve ever eaten healthier than since the age of 35. I’ve become much more aware of the benefits of strength training, magnesium, and so on. I try to eat with a high protein intake, ensuring I have enough fruits and vegetables. I’m also becoming aware of things like insulin resistance, which we should be mindful of in our early 40s. So I have fruits with nuts, chia seeds, flaxseed powder, those kinds of things.
I also do intermittent fasting, which I’ve found very helpful for me personally. I don’t do a very hectic one; I’m not given to any extremes. I would mostly do a 14-hour fast four to five times a week. If I’m unable to do a 14-hour fast on some days, maybe because I haven’t slept well, I try to keep a 12-hour digestive gap.
Does intermittent fasting affect your energy levels?
Konkona Sensharma: I have so much more energy. I’m not advising anybody; I’m just saying it works for me. I do a fasting workout a lot of the time, and I find I’m far more energetic on that. But by no means am I advocating this, and nobody should follow this advice without checking with their doctors and considering their pre-existing conditions.
Your style is admired both on and off the red carpet. How would you describe your fashion philosophy?
Konkona Sensharma: I’m so happy because I was never known for my style, even though I’ve had the same aesthetics for as long as I can remember. Back in the day, these clothes were not available. When I started my acting career, there were hardly any options. Of course, sarees were always there, and I’ve always loved sarees, my mom’s sarees. I now have my own enviable collection, but I’ve always worn my mom’s sarees since I was a kid. I’ve always loved Indian textiles for home, clothes, everything.
Even pantsuits, which are so comfortable and nice, weren’t a thing earlier. Oversized clothing was not available earlier. But now, I have a stylist who’s amazing, so I can focus on other things.
How do you prioritize your mental health?
Konkona Sensharma: One of the things is sleep, exercise, and nutrition. I tell myself and my child that there are five pillars to health: sleep, adequate sleep, good nutrition because a lot of our junk food is very inflammatory and not good for our brains either. Then there’s exercise, therapy if you need it — there have been times in my life where I’ve been to a therapist, and I found it very helpful. And lastly, good social connections, meaningful interactions with human beings, having a sense of meaning and purpose in life, and thinking outside of yourself and about others. All of this together is important. It’s not just one thing.
As you mentioned earlier, education is crucial for societal development and the development of children. How do you ensure that your son receives the best possible education?
Konkona Sensharma: One awareness I had was that no school is perfect, and no school is going to give you everything. You have to find that balance. If your school is good with sports and extracurriculars, maybe you’ll have to look into academics. If the school is good with academics, maybe you’ll have to focus on sports and extracurriculars. Not all households can do that.
With my child, I want to ensure he’s reading the right books or at least reading every day, not just watching movies. So, sitting with him, watching different kinds of films, reading different books, talking about age-appropriate political events or current affairs, and being tuned into them emotionally is important. Because if you’re not emotionally okay, you’re not going to be able to absorb anything, which is why children who go through things like death, divorce, abuse — they are in survival mode and unable to absorb.
Not all parents have the leisure to spend time with their children. Sometimes both parents have to work, or you may only have one parent. These are realities, so you need some support. As they say, it takes a village to raise a child, and nowadays, where’s the village? In our case, we don’t have any grandparents living in the same city, and many families are migrant communities or underserved communities with many other things to look out for. You need to ensure the children are not slipping through the cracks. How can we help, uplift, and reach them?
This is why initiatives like P&G Shiksha are important because if you’re just relying on the school, your children’s needs are not going to be met entirely. I’ve appreciated this initiative also because earlier they were looking more at building schools and infrastructure, but today the need has changed. There is school enrollment, but how much are the children able to absorb? How many dropouts are there? How many children are staying in school? These kinds of things.