PETALING JAYA: Google searches for Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) surged after the recent update to the programme’s rules, with the most of interest from outside the country coming from Singapore, Hong Kong and China.

Data from Google Trends taken on June 28 shows that the worldwide popularity of the search term jumped to a score of 87 for the period of June 16-22 from 46 the previous week.

On June 14, the Cabinet approved an update to the rules to the MM2H programme.

Google ranks interest level in a search term from 0-100, with 100 being the peak popularity for the search term.

ALSO READ> What’s new for the MM2H programme?

Since the June 14 announcement on the MM2H rules update, Malaysia recorded the biggest jump in interest for the MM2H programme in Google followed by Singapore, Hong Kong, China and Taiwan.

The current spike in interest for the search term is the fourth peak over the past five years.

Each peak took place during key events related to the MM2H programme.

The first was in late June 2020. On June 26 that year, the MM2H programme was suspended following Covid-19 pandemic.

The second surge was in early June the following year, after the MM2H suspension was lifted.

The third spike took place in December 2023, following the move to review the MM2H which was announced on December 15.

Google Trends’ data also shows the search terms related to MM2H which people all over the world have been searching for.

Over the past five years, the top MM2h related queries was was “Malaysia”, followed by “MM2H Malaysia”, “MM2H Malaysia”, “MM2H requirements” and “MM2H news”.

Check out the latest MM2H rules as follows:


Who can apply for MM2H?