KOTA KINABALU: The General Operations Force (GOF) seized over 4,000 litres of suspected misappropriated diesel in an operation in Penampang near here.

The GOF team made the discovery after raiding an unmarked storehouse in Kampung Kibabaig following a tip-off on Thursday (June 6).

They immediately alerted the Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry Sabah office.

Sabah domestic trade ministry director Georgie Abas said that when his men reached the location, they found the diesel stored in six modified intermediate bulk container tanks.

“The tanks which were kept inside a lorry contained 4,400 litres of diesel,” he said in a statement here on Friday (June 7).

He added that the seized items, including the lorry and a pump machine, were worth RM58,860.

“We also detained a 52-year-old local man who was there during the raid for questioning,” he said.

Abas said the case was being probed under the Control of Supplies Act 1961 for keeping controlled items without a valid licence.

He said the ministry would continue to work closely with other enforcement agencies to curb the misappropriation of subsidised goods.

He also urged the public to provide information that could help the effort.