Public confrontations and altercations, even involving celebrities, are common in today’s high-stress world. Reports have surfaced alleging that the actor Kangana Ranaut was involved in a heated exchange with a CISF (Central Industrial Security Force) constable at Chandigarh airport, and that she was slapped by the guard at the security check.

India Today reported that after arriving in New Delhi, the MP-elect met CISF Director General Nina Singh and other senior officials to inform them about the incident.

“I am getting a lot of phone calls, from the media and my well-wishers. First of all, I am safe, I am perfectly fine,” Ranaut assured her fans and followers in a video released after the incident.

She added, “As soon as I came out after the security check, the lady in the second cabin, a CISF security staff came from the side, hit me on my face and started abusing me. When I asked her why she did so, she said that she supports farmers’ protests.

While the exact details of the incident are still emerging, such situations underscore the importance of maintaining composure and employing effective de-escalation strategies to prevent minor disagreements from spiraling out of control.

Neha Cadabam, senior psychologist and executive director at Cadabams Hospitals and Mindtalk, says, “Public confrontations can be highly stressful, unexpectedly erupting and disrupting the flow of daily life. However, there are effective strategies you can employ to maintain composure and foster resolution.”

Maintaining calm and assessing the situation

The initial moments of a public confrontation are crucial, says Cadabam. She suggests some key strategies to implement:

Festive offer

*Deep Breathing Techniques: Actively engage in deep breathing exercises. Inhale slowly through your nose, hold your breath for a few seconds, and exhale slowly through your mouth. This physiological intervention helps to reduce immediate stress and allows for clearer thinking.

*Grounding Techniques: Engage your senses to remain present in the moment. Notice the sights and sounds around you, the texture of your clothing, or the feeling of your feet on the ground. This grounding technique can prevent you from becoming overwhelmed by the emotional intensity of the situation.

*Pause Before Reacting: Avoid responding impulsively. Take a moment to assess the situation and the emotional state of the other person. This brief pause allows you to formulate a more measured and appropriate response.

De-escalation techniques for effective communication

Cadabam asserts that the goal in a public confrontation should be to de-escalate the situation and foster constructive communication.

“Speak slowly and softly. A calm and measured tone can help to reduce the other person’s agitation and create a more conducive environment for productive dialogue,” she suggests.

She advises that people demonstrate active listening by “nodding your head, maintaining eye contact, and offering verbal affirmations such as ‘I understand’ or ‘yes’.” Reflecting back on what the other person has said can further demonstrate your attentiveness and willingness to understand their perspective.

Validate the other person’s feelings. Phrases like ‘It sounds like you’re feeling frustrated’ or ‘I can see why you’re upset’ can help to defuse anger and encourage them to communicate more constructively, says Cadabam. “If the situation begins to escalate, it’s important to establish clear boundaries.”

Cultivating resilience through mental and emotional preparation

While public confrontations can be unpredictable, Cadabam assures, there are steps you can take to enhance your resilience and emotional preparedness:

* Visualization Techniques: Engage in visualization exercises. Imagine yourself handling confrontations calmly and confidently. Mentally rehearsing these scenarios can bolster your self-assurance when faced with a real-life situation.

* Positive Self-Talk: Use positive affirmations to build your confidence. Remind yourself that you are capable of handling the situation effectively. Mantras such as “I am calm” or “I can manage this” can be helpful in managing anxiety.

* Stress Management Techniques: Regularly practicing stress management techniques, such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises, can enhance your overall emotional resilience and ability to manage challenging situations.

* Seeking Professional Support: If you frequently find yourself in confrontational situations, consider seeking guidance from a psychologist. A therapist can equip you with personalized strategies for managing conflict and regulating your emotions.